Module 9.3 – Day 3 – Identifying Your Time Traps

Course Complete

Day 3 of 30

Lesson Resources

CEO Assessment

Take the Assessment to rate both your mindset and key skills to get an idea of the extent to which you are already thinking and leading like a CEO and what steps you need to take to improve.

Course Roadmap

Download the Roadmap to see a clear and concise overview of the course structure and progression. 

Course Guide Book

The Course Guide Book provides a comprehensive overview of the course content and key concepts. Download it and use it to follow along with the video content.

Course Action Guide

The Course Action Guide helps enhance understanding and retention of the key concepts you're  learning through active engagement. It contains the worksheets you'll use throughout the course. 


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Week One (Days 1-7)

Module 9.1 - Day 1 - Assessing Time Mastery Strengths and Weaknesses

Module 9.1 - Day 1 - Assessing Time Mastery Strengths and Weaknesses

Module 9.2 - Day 2 - Understanding Your Time

Module 9.2 - Day 2 - Understanding Your Time

Module 9.3 - Day 3 - Identifying Your Time Traps

Module 9.3 - Day 3 - Identifying Your Time Traps

Module 9.4 - Day 4 - Setting Priorities and Goals

Module 9.4 - Day 4 - Setting Priorities and Goals

Module 9.5 - Day 5 - Simplifying Your Schedule

Module 9.5 - Day 5 - Simplifying Your Schedule

Module 9.6 - Day 6 - Using Calendars and Reminders

Module 9.6 - Day 6 - Using Calendars and Reminders

Module 9.7 - Day 7 - Becoming Indistractable

Module 9.7 - Day 7 - Becoming Indistractable

Course Complete

CEO Leadership Academy

Copyright © 2023 Vania Clark Butler and Beaver Pond Enterprises LLC  · All Rights Reserved