3 Secrets To Faster Business Development

As a business coach, I’m often asked, “how can I grow my business faster?”.

Well, of course, as we dig in and discover what’s really needed, my specific answer is going to be different for each business.

But when I think about an approach any business could use to grow faster, I realized it comes down to three core shifts in the business. Two of them are ways of thinking or being and the third one is about what you’re doing.

I call them secrets but they’re not much of a secret in my business since I share them a lot. What really makes them secrets is that we don’t always think about our business in these ways.

You’ll see how it’s a huge advantage to incorporate the 3 Secrets when thinking about growing your business.

The 3 Secrets

Your business is never bigger than you.

(Shift perspective)

In fact, it’s small enough to fit inside of you – that’s where it was conceived and created. Or if you own a pre-existing business, it’s where you conceived of and created your role as an owner of the business.

Either way, it’s not bigger than you. But sometimes when we’re feeling frustrated, overworked, overwhelmed, or stretched to our limits, our business can feel like it’s swallowing us whole. Like it’s taking over or needing to take precedent over everything else in our lives.

When this happens try this little, but powerful, perspective shift and think about the business as being smaller than you and fitting inside your chest, solar plexus area, or stomach. Shrink the business down to a 6”x6” ball of light and place it in one of the three areas.

Now feel the sense of relief that comes with realizing you have ultimate control and power over your business, not the other way around.

Sit with this feeling of control and power for as long as you like – the longer the better. When you’re done, take action on something you’ve been wanting to do or change in the business to support your goal of growth.

Personal development precedes business development.

(Shift timing)

If business growth has stalled, you can bet that personal growth has also stalled. Rev up personal growth to begin seeing progress in business growth.

They’re strongly connected and you will see results outside of yourself just be working on the inside of yourself. It’s an invisible but direct link between the two.

My clients don’t always see it right away but after working on personal development they begin to see the changes happening in their business. Experiment with this and you’ll find it’s true for you too.

Instead of continuing to hit a brick wall with business growth, work on growing yourself.

What new skills can you acquire that would help your business?

What existing skills can you improve that would make a difference? If you’re not sure, go with mindset.

Improving mindset almost always pays you back in big dividends.

Your systems are specifically designed to produce the results you’re currently getting.

(Shift approach)

I know… let this one sink in for a minute. Then ask yourself, on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the lowest score and 10 being the highest, how would you rate the effectiveness of your current systems for attracting and converting new business?

If they’re falling short, where can you make improvements? What changes need to be made to get the results you want?

“Your systems are perfectly designed to get the results you’re getting.”
– Stephan R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Could inadequate or antiquated systems and processes be holding your business back? This is an area where small changes can yield massive results, so it’s worth taking a look.


Consider these 3 core elements when deciding to grow your business. Many of the roadblocks encountered can be effectively dealt with by employing one or all of these shifts.

Each shift gives you a different lens by which to view your challenges and the potential for creative solutions.